Tuesday, March 11, 2008


ID in Freud's theory, is the element of the psyche which is the source of all basic drives. EGO in pyschonanalysis is the element of the psyche which provides the integrating of personality by mediating between the ID and the SUPEREGO, and also mediates the links with the outside world. SUPEREGO in Freud's theory, that portion of the psyche which represents the moral demands of family and society and is therefore governed by moral constraints.
I had an option of going to a boarding school and staying home to do college. My ID would look out for immediate needs and want me to stay home because if wanted to then I could bunk classes in college at home and get away with it. In other words my life would be really easy at home compared to being in a boarding school. But my SUPER EGO would tell me to choose the morally right way. According to me the morally right way would be to work hard so that I can have a bright future, than spending my time unreasonably.
My EGO would make me aware of the world( in other words the influence of my friends and family).It would help me look at the brighter side of being in a boarding school and also look at how my friends were too doing tougher courses for getting into a good university.
This would definitely influence me to choose going to a boarding school and living independently.
In my case my EGO helped me making the right decision and going to "KIS"i.e. boarding school.
In a healthy person, according to Freud the ego is the strongest so that it can satisfy the needs of ID and not upset the SUPEREGO, taking the reality of every condition into consideration.Id in person shouldn't be too strong because it does not let make the right decisions. It aggravates an individual's drives. The person's impulses and self-gratification takes over the person's life. In cases where the person's SUPEREGO is the strongest, the person is morally guided all the time and is very judgmental in his interactions with the world. It is the EGO that maintains the control.
Sources cited:
Glassman, William, and Marilyn Hadad. Approaches to Psychology. 4th


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